The overall admin script. Forums can be created and deleted via this script, and
the 'master' templates can be edited through it as well.
Preset login:
For forums moderators, allows customization and board maintenance
and moderation. Each boards look and feel is completely controllable.
Posts will only be allowed through people actually entering it on the
forums page in your domain. For additional Security you may ban ip's
from posting and not allow posts that contain profanity.
Additional file descriptions
templates/ board.htm The template for the main board page where posts will be listed. error.htm The template for error messages. post.htm The template for individual posts. reply.htm The template for replies to posts. banned.txt List of banned IP addresses. One IP per line. board.dat Blank file. Will be used as the 'board database', storing thread information. This file is used by admin.cgi as well as board.cgi. censor.txt List of censored words. If $censor (in board.cfg) is set to 1, it's one censored word per line, if set to 2, it's in the format of "censored word:change to" on each line. forum.db Database of forums. main_admin.cgi will use this to create/modify the forum index page. forum_index.html The forum index template page. index.html The forum index. Currently the same as forum_index.html. passwd.txt The password file for main_admin.cgi. The password files for each of the forums will be stored in their own directories. The password is encrypted with the UNIX standard crypt() function.PlusScripts copyright 1998